Mainnet upgrade
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Hedera
The scheduled maintenance has been completed. The mainnet node 10 (0.0.12) will remain offline (has been offline since November 21st, 2019) due to configuration errors encountered with that node during its restore process. All other intended updates have been successfully completed to all other nodes except mainnet node 10 (0.0.12)
Posted Dec 09, 2019 - 21:27 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Dec 09, 2019 - 20:00 UTC
Hedera will be upgrading and restarting the mainnet on Monday, December 9th at 20:00 UTC. It will take approximately 90 minutes to complete, during which time all network services on the Hedera mainnet will be offline.

This update includes the following, potentially breaking, configuration changes: Max_Contract_State_Size=1024 (should already be set), maxGasLimit=300000, maxFileSize=1024. In addition, mainnet node 10 (0.0.12) will be brought back online, bringing the node count to 13/13.
Posted Dec 06, 2019 - 19:21 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Hedera Mainnet (v0.51.5) | Network Uptime.