Testnet Reset
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Hedera
The Hedera testnet has been successfully reset.

Regularly resetting the Hedera testnet ensures decluttering the testnet of stale data, removing spam, and helping maintain the system over time.

Please read the official Hedera Documentation to learn about:
- Data types removed from the testnet & public mirror nodes
- Accessing your new testnet keys via the Hedera portal
- Accessing prior mirror node data for two weeks post-reset

Testnet reset documentation: https://docs.hedera.com/guides/testnet#test-network-resets
Posted Jan 26, 2023 - 18:57 UTC
The Hedera testnet reset has been completed and the network is available to users. Final verifications are in progress
Posted Jan 26, 2023 - 18:49 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jan 26, 2023 - 17:00 UTC
Hedera will begin resetting the testnet on a quarterly basis, starting on January 26th, 2023, during which time the testnet will be offline.

Regularly resetting the Hedera testnet ensures decluttering the testnet of stale data, removing spam, and helping maintain the system over time.

Hedera core engineering will try to ensure that testnet resets are as developer-friendly as possible. Testnet reset dates will be communicated at least two weeks in advance on the Hedera Network Status page (https://status.hedera.com/), official Hedera developer Discord (https://www.hedera.com/discord), and via email to testnet users.

Testnet mirror node operators will receive early access to configure their mirror node prior to the scheduled reset with notice of availability and instructions.

Please read the official Hedera documentation to learn more: https://docs.hedera.com/hedera/testnet#test-network-resets
Posted Jan 13, 2023 - 05:45 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Hedera Testnet (v0.51.5) | Individual Nodes (Node 0 (account 0.0.3), Node 1 (account 0.0.4), Node 2 (account 0.0.5), Node 3 (account 0.0.6), Node 4 (account 0.0.7), Node 5 (account 0.0.8), Node 6 (account 0.0.9)), Hedera Mirror Node Testnet (v0.109.0) (Mirror Node REST API Testnet, Mirror Node HCS gRPC Testnet), and Hedera Testnet (v0.51.5) | Network Uptime.