Testnet Reset
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Hedera
The upcoming quarterly reset of the Hedera testnet planned for January 25th has been postponed to February 1st, 2024
Posted Jan 18, 2024 - 22:20 UTC
Hedera will perform the quarterly reset to testnet on Thursday, January 25th, 2024. The reset will start at 18:00 UTC and is estimated to take approximately 60 minutes, during which time the Hedera testnet will be offline.

Regularly resetting the Hedera testnet ensures decluttering the testnet of stale data, removing spam, and helping maintain the system over time.

Hedera core engineering will try to ensure that testnet resets are as developer-friendly as possible. Testnet reset dates will be communicated on the Hedera Network Status page (https://status.hedera.com/), official Hedera developer Discord (https://www.hedera.com/discord), and via email to testnet users.

Please read the official Hedera documentation to learn more: https://docs.hedera.com/hedera/networks/testnet#test-network-resets
Posted Jan 05, 2024 - 00:55 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Hedera Testnet (v0.51.5) | Individual Nodes (Node 0 (account 0.0.3), Node 1 (account 0.0.4), Node 2 (account 0.0.5), Node 3 (account 0.0.6), Node 4 (account 0.0.7), Node 5 (account 0.0.8), Node 6 (account 0.0.9)), Hedera Mirror Node Testnet (v0.109.0) (Mirror Node REST API Testnet, Mirror Node HCS gRPC Testnet), and Hedera Testnet (v0.51.5) | Network Uptime.